Upgrade your recipes
with MyMenu

A modern tool for recipe creation - grow your revenue and earn on recipes

Contact us

Use our Content Management System to create recipes in your blog or website

Unlock your content potential

Structure the recipes into data points, not text

Add value to your content

Automatically calculate the nutritional values

Create a better data structure

Tag the recipe with SEO relevant tags

Create new revenue stream

Enable connection with any e-commerce

How does it work?

We provide you with a special edit form to fill in all the recipe information and publish on your blog or website with all the information calculated by us (like nutritional values).

You own all the usage rights to the recipe the content, ingredients, steps and photos!

Our CMS is supported by the database of ingredients gathered in USDA, additionally complemented by EU specific products.

Why is it important to convert recipes into data points?

With our recipe creation tool we are able to convert your recipes into a powerful database.

This means we can implement many useful features on your website such as:

  • calculate nutritional values
  • add automatic tags for SEO
  • create shopping lists out of your recipes or transfer them to e-grocery which will generate a new revenue stream for you.

We can also start tracking all the user activity for further UX optimization.

It’s a first step to unlock your blog's true potential!

Contact us

Recipe creator tool - Step by step

You register into individual account in our CMS dedicated to your website

We provide you with a complete and intuitive tool that enables you to manage all your recipe data in one place. All you need to do is put all the data for your recipe and forget about the technical part!

You fill in our recipe creation form:

  • Select ingredients / units / quantities from dropdown list
  • Add photo, video
  • Add description steps of your recipes
  • Click save

Get automatic tagging for recipe

No need to manually tag recipes. Our CMS does it for you. A good tag structure is essential for SEO performance and helps your users to navigate your content.

Get all nutritional values for recipes

Our CMS is supported by the database of ingredients gathered in USDA, additionally complemented by EU specific products. You’ll no longer have to calculate the calories and nutritional values by yourself.

Publish recipe on your website

No matter your website layout and design, our CMS will work in every environment. No additional work is needed on your side.

User can add this recipe from your website to selected e-commerce provider

Make meal planning easier for your users by allowing them to shop your recipes directly from your blog. We connect recipe platforms with e-commerce providers and make your recipes shoppable. With a simple click a user can add all the necessary ingredients from your recipe to a shopping list and have them delivered to their doorstep.

You get a commission from the basket!

By connecting your platform to e-commerce providers we offer you a new revenue stream for you. As a recipe creator you’ll get a commission based on the shoplist value.
Trending icon


Growth of seo traffic

We optimize technical SEO and audit content

Users icon


increase of Engagement

We improved the conversion from recipe page visit to the user engagement

Money icon

2,8M EUR

monthly value generated

We enable earning with our shopping lists for your clients

* based on different project results for our clients

We provide technology and know how to help your recipe platform grow the revenue and monetize the recipes

AI/ Data science

Recommendation engine to better match recipes with audience interest

Structured data bases of ingredients, tags, utensils & recipe scraping tool to turn your recipes into data points not text


We have a pool of features that can support your recipe platform in delivering value to consumers - weekly plan, shopping list, cooking mode, nutritional values calculator, CMS for recipe creation


We have benchmarks of other recipe platforms and very good understanding of consumer insights to help you define your strategy

Tech Team

Experienced FE & BE, Data Scientists ready to help you implement our solutions or develop tailor made ones

Do you want to know more?

Leave a message and our consultant will contact you to answer all your questions.

The controller of personal data provided is MyMenu sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw. Your personal data will be processed in order to answer your question. More information including your rights are included in privacy policy.